Skipfish is a great and FAST automated pen test tool with a low barrier to entry by Google’s own web security expert Michal Zalewski.

Skipfish is distributed as source only at and I’ve looked around the web for a compiled Windows version but couldn’t find one so I’d thought I would share instructions on how to build Skipfish on Windows in Cygwin.

I hope to provide a Windows executable that I will keep up to date as releases roll out.

How to Compile Skipfish On Cygwin

  1. Install Cygwin –
  2. Go through standard the Install Wizard steps until the ‘Cygwin Setup – Select Packages’ screen. Select the following additional packages & install the following. ‘devel’ versions if available
    1. All -> Base -> zlib
    2. All -> Devel -> openssl-devel
    3. All -> Devel -> libiconv
    4. All -> Devel -> make
    5. All -> Devel -> gcc
    6. All -> Devel -> pcre
    7. All -> Libs -> libiconv2
    8. All -> Libs -> libidn
  3. Download the Skipfish code from
  4. Open up cygwin, and extract the code
  5. Run make to generate the executable
    1. make
    2. make install
  6. Voila, you have your executable

And here’s one I prepared earlier! Skipfish V2.03 Windows Pre-Compiled Binary